Tag Search - 'Communication'

How not to respond to an online review

How not to respond to an online review

Wednesday 26th June 2019     #CrisisCommunication #IssuesManagement     Jose Abad

The way in which a business responds to complaints can help or hinder its brand reputation.

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The 5 minor communication skills that make a major difference

The 5 minor communication skills that make a major difference

Wednesday 8th May 2019     #Communication #PublicRelations     Jackie McRae

If you’re heading up a cost centre, managing a department or overseeing an entire business, then it’s safe to say you’ve got sound business acumen and likely a strong education or experiential background that’s helped you get to where you are today.

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What to budget for marketing and public relations in the new financial year forecast

What to budget for marketing and public relations in the new financial year forecast

Tuesday 23rd April 2019     #Marketing #PublicRelations #CorporateCommunication     Mel Deacon

Most companies and organisations already have an established marketing budget, but when this cost centre can incorporate a good 20 or 30 different marketing and public relations tactics, then it’s important to start allocating your funds accordingly so you maximise your spend and get the best ROI.

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Breaking-up with brands: keeping trust at the core of stakeholder relationships

Breaking-up with brands: keeping trust at the core of stakeholder relationships

Monday 8th April 2019     #CorporateCommunication     Joshua Stengert

Trust – difficult to gain, easily lost, and once gone almost (but not completely) impossible to salvage.

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Mumbrella Comms Con 2019

Mumbrella Comms Con 2019

Monday 1st April 2019     #Networking #Communications #PR     Mark Henderson

I had the privilege of spending Thursday, 28 March in Sydney at Mumbrella’s annual Communications Conference, Comms Con.

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Using progressive tools to communicate with developing communities

Using progressive tools to communicate with developing communities

Wednesday 20th March 2019     #Communications #Media     Olivia van Dalsen

Over the past decade, the communications industry has evolved significantly, as communication channels continue to expand beyond traditional media mediums.

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How to choose the right charitable partnership for your brand

How to choose the right charitable partnership for your brand

Wednesday 6th March 2019     #CSR #CorporateCommunications     Chloe Fitzgerald

Giving back to the community is becoming more and more the norm in business practice. In fact, many businesses have changed the way they think about their CSR activities and are renaming their charitable or for-good actions as “business responsibilities” rather than “corporate social responsibility”.

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2019 PR predictions (P.S they're not what you think)

2019 PR predictions (P.S they're not what you think)

Friday 11th January 2019     #PR #Communications #Agency     Mel Deacon

This year marks for me, 20 years working in marketing, communication and PR roles, and every year I continue to be blown away by the changing technology and trends in how we both conduct business and more importantly, how we communicate our business to our customers.

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The value of an opinion told well

The value of an opinion told well

Monday 19th March 2018     Public Relations, Writing, Opinion Pieces, Communication,     Maree Butterworth

In PR, we work with brands day in and day out, with our strategy underpinned by how we can raise awareness of our client’s brand, usually through profiling a company spokesperson, product or service via media or through other stakeholder channels.

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The process behind a successful EDM

The process behind a successful EDM

Monday 26th February 2018     Public Relations, EDM, Internal Communications     Hannah Maurice

Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) is one of the key marketing tools that companies and brands can use to directly connect with their stakeholders on a personal level. EDM campaigns can either be used to interact with internal members or to external corporate members and potential customers. EDMs are crafted to generate brand awareness, create traffic, increase new sales or leads, and provide the business an opportunity to grow by keeping communication lines open and transparent to stakeholders with updates, announcements, and offers they can easily access.

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