With no pricing regulation the taxpayer-funded VET-FEE HELP system has been rorted by unscrupulous operators offering courses of questionable quality, but there is much companies can still do to ensure their staff are trained well according to Australia’s leading training provider.
Improve Group Learning Solutions Managing Director, Bob Carter says the so-called “get rich quick” RTOs should not give the entire training industry a bad name.
“There is much that organisations and students can do to ensure good training, even before the Senate Inquiry into VET-FEE HELP’s recommendations are implemented,” he said.
“If you follow these basic guidelines you really will give yourself the very best chance of finding the right RTO for your organisation, the kind of RTO that will have staff skilled in the way you desire them to be.”
Bob Carter’s tips for sourcing a credible RTO:
Always confirm the training provider’s RTO number to ensure they are registered to deliver nationally recognised training.
Check if the provider is a member of an industry body or association. This assists in confirming the provider’s credibility.
Confirm the total costs of the training and refund policies and compare them to other providers. This will help identify cost discrepancies and determine whether Government funding or VET-FEE HELP is the best option for your business.
Review the course modules and confirm what knowledge and skills you need and what you will obtain from the course. Courses from different training providers may appear to be the same at first look, but can be very different in the results they deliver.
Find out how the training will be undertaken and how you will be assessed. Consider time off the job and what course would fit in best with your business’s operations.
In any type of course you should be aware of warning signs such as paying large sums of money upfront. Ensure to read contracts carefully before signing or paying money.
“Most RTOs will have a serious commitment to training people in your sector and they won’t be all about getting rich quick on the taxpayer’s dollar,” Mr Carter said.
“But you do need to take some precautions in finding a good RTO. Education stays with you for life and it is not something that should be taken lightly or jumped into without investigation.”
Mr Carter said that as a national training provider, Improve Group Learning Solutions welcomes the Senate Committee’s Inquiry into VET FEE-HELP programs.
“We are pleased with the outcomes of the Senate Committee Inquiry which has resulted in recommendations to regulate the system and control costs,” he said.
Improve Group Learning Solutions sources state and federal government funding to help reduce the cost of business training costs, rather than offering the VET FEE- HELP solution.
“As we continue to strive to reach our goal of becoming Australasia’s leading productivity improvement provider by 2020, we look forward to seeing changes in the regulation of VET-FEE HELP to ensure the space we operate in is reliable and compliant,” Mr Carter said.
Notes to the editor:
Improve Group Learning Solutions, based in Cleveland, is one of Australia's leading training providers, delivering innovative training programs that are tailored to clients’ business needs. It is also a finalist in this year’s Telstra Business Awards.
Responsible for contemporary training solutions, consultants work with industry to design and develop specific and relevant programs.
Improve Group Learning Solutions is a specialist RTO catering for the Glass and Glazing industry, and manufacturers seeking productivity improvements.
For further information about Improve Group Learning Solutions see http://improvegroup.com.au