A family of three from Western Australia (WA) has slashed prices on their energy bill with their energy efficient dream home.
The Lim family has set a precedence on how residential architecture can showcase both impressive minimalism design features and energy-saving thermal performance in their 217 square metre home nicknamed as the “Bling Box” for its boxy looking exterior.
The family home located in Ardross, WA, incorporates eco-friendly Bondor products that are paving the way to reduce Australia’s carbon footprint in residential buildings which currently account for 10% of Australia’s total carbon emissions.[1]
Director of Tulloch Construction, Mr Andrew Tulloch collaborated with the Lim family to create a family home with a focus on innovative clutter-free spaces that preserved a compact footprint.
“It is always an exciting opportunity to be involved in projects that are moving the building industry forward in the way of environmentally sustainable practices,” he said.
“We worked closely with the Lim family who placed an importance on creating a space that incorporated materials that demonstrate both space and energy efficiency. Sourcing products with energy efficient functions was therefore vital and incorporating Bondor products to create this well-insulated home significantly contributed to the home energy rating.”
The space efficient family home combines Bondor’s Equitilt® wall panelling and SolarSpan® roof sheeting, that demonstrate high thermal performance that exceeds the Building Code of Australia’s current six-star thermal efficiency requirement.[2]
Homeowners across the country are recognising the significance of constructing insulated homes where a well-insulated roof can save the average Australian family 45% on heating and cooling and a further 20% can be saved with wall insulation.[3]
Installing residential insulation is a simple solution that can drastically reduce the $47 billion figure that Australian households are currently spending on energy, an amount that rivals manufacturing industries. [4]
The Lim family recognised the financial benefits available when selecting Bondor walling and roofing products for their new family home but were surprised by the speed of construction.
Bondor’s Equitilt® wall panelling is a lightweight material that combines prefinished COLORBOND® steel with high performing installation. Allowing for a smoother workflow, which allowed for fast-tracked construction time of their dream home.
“By using Bondor products, we were able to move into our new home just eight months after the start of construction. This was especially important for our family as we have a 20 month old child,” said homeowner Bernard Lim.
Bondor General Manager Geoff Marsdon said the Lim family home showcases what Bondor products can offer in terms of improving residential energy and cost efficiency.
“Bondor is committed to creating products that exceed the building industry and consumer requirements for energy efficient and space saving materials that are fast and easy to construct,” said Mr Marsdon.
“The installation of Bondor products in the Lim family home has allowed the family to live
in a cool and comfortable environment, knowing they are doing their part to reduce Australia’s carbon footprint.”
The two-storey 217 square metre home features excellent access to natural light, open-planned living, dining and kitchen areas, four bedrooms, three bathrooms and two activity zones.
For further information on Tulloch Construction, visit www.tullcon.com.
[1] www.choice.com.au - https://www.choice.com.au/home-improvement/energy-saving/reducing-your-carbon-footprint/articles/house-energy-ratings
[2] www.finance.wa.gov.au - https://www.finance.wa.gov.au/cms/Public_Utilities_Office/Energy_Initiatives/Residential_building_energy_efficiency.aspx
[3] www.choice.com.au - https://www.choice.com.au/home-improvement/energy-saving/reducing-your-carbon-footprint/articles/house-energy-ratings
[4]www.abs.gov.au - http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/4604.0Media%20Release12013-14?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=4604.0&issue=2013-14&num=&view=