To help spread kindness and promote good deeds, St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland (Vinnies) has launched the #GoodWorks campaign across Brisbane.
As one of four charities selected through goa billboard’s community partnership program, Vinnies is planning weekly pop-up pizza parties to competition winners and Eagle Boys is donating 20 pizzas at each event.
Vinnies spokesperson Deborah Melloy said the campaign is a unique initiative.
“One of our core values is giving a hand up to those who need it, so we really want to promote the value of #GoodWorks to our community and how small deeds can have a great impact,” Ms Melloy said.
“We find people are quiet achievers when helping out in the community and aren’t necessarily doing it for the recognition, but we thought it would be nice to highlight what they do.”
Ms Melloy said they are holding a competition with one lucky winner every Friday until 3 June receiving a pop-up pizza party.
“We’re asking people to post a photo on a public Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account using the hashtag #GoodWorks, tagging us and telling us about a particular act of kindness that made their day. These are then posted up on the goa digital billboards across Brisbane,” Ms Melloy said.
“It’s a positive way helping to share a little bit of happiness with the world.
“We’ve had some great responses so far with all sorts of stories. One man who recently turned 90 and has been volunteering and doing home visitations for 40 years to help people in need.”
Ms Melloy said without the help of companies like Eagle Boys, these events might not be possible.
“We’re really happy to have Eagle Boys on board to help make this campaign successful. As a not-for-profit organisation, corporate support is critical and helps enable these events to be held,” Ms Melloy said.
Eagle Boys CEO Nick Vincent said he was happy to have the chance to support Vinnies.
“When we heard that the team at Vinnies was dedicating their time and efforts to celebrate good deeds, I knew I wanted to help out in some way,” Mr Vincent said.
“I think it’s a fantastic cause and people who do good in their local community should be celebrated and having a pizza party is a great way to do this.”
This week’s winner is Jameika Bailey in Newstead with the pizza party being held Friday 13 May at 11:30am.
To enter the competition, simply post a photo talking about an act of kindness that made your day on social media with the hashtag #GoodWorks and tag @vinniesqld on Instagram or Twitter or St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland on Facebook.
Eagle Boys Happiness Fund is an initiative that seeks to support local communities.
Recipients of the complimentary pizzas can include families, individuals, sporting teams, local charities and schools who are coordinating a fundraiser and require catering.
For more information or to submit an application for a Happiness Fund donation, head to https://www.eagleboys.com.au/happinessfund