Australia’s largest valuation experts Hassalls will be auctioning millions of dollars’ worth of equipment out to Central Queensland (CQ) locals in Gracemere (Rockhampton) on Wednesday 1 June from 10am.
The event is expected to ignite a buying frenzy following last month’s on-site auction, which saw more than $1.2 million worth of second hand construction equipment spread across 319 lots sell at a 98 per cent clearance rate. This month’s auction has over 450 lots and is much larger than any previous sale in Gracemere.
“Our auctions are a rare opportunity for local farmers, businesses and tradespeople to pick up quality products at a fraction of the cost of new equipment,” said Hassalls General Manager Steve Wall.
“At our May auction, light commercial vehicles sold at almost ten per cent less than previous events, which was excellent news for anyone looking to upgrade their fleet or family car.
“From school buses and dual cabs to switchboards and air compressors, gloves and protective clothing to trailers and shipping containers, there’s something for everyone at Hassalls next on-site auction.
“So far we have sold off more than $16 million worth of plant and construction equipment at our Gracemere sales and have around $20 million left to go.
“All buyers are welcome to join us on-site or via webcast. Just make sure you get a good night sleep as we’re expecting a big turnout and you’ll have to bring you’re A-game to get the best deals.”
Hassalls will be supporting the Rotary Club of Rockhampton, who will benefit from the catering proceeds on the day.
“Our auctions are a great opportunities for local community groups to raise funds for important causes,” said Hassalls Gracemere Auction Supervisor Clinton Taylor.
“We are excited to host the Rotary Club of Rockhampton who will raise funds from all of the food sold.
“There’s always a couple of hundred people that come out on the day, and they always run out of food.”
The auction is one of a series of Curtis Island LNG Project sales on behalf of NYSE-listed Liquidity Services, which has over 7,000 clients, three million registered buyers and achieves over $1 billion in sales annually.
To bid online and view the full catalogue, head to http://www.hassalls.com.au/auction.php?id=668.
The auction will be Wednesday 1 June from 10am, 35-53 Somerset Rd Gracemere, QLD. To view a map, click here.