Whether you call them resolutions, goals, motivations or a vision, the new year often brings with it a sense of renewal, fresh beginnings and a chance to wipe the slate clean and start as you intend to finish.
In our personal lives, this often looks like getting fitter and healthier, sticking to a budget in order to cut down debt or save for a holiday, or resolve to spend more quality time with friends and family.
What would it look like if we applied New Year's resolutions to the business world? Surely we would see a shift in awareness, growth, engagement, productivity and even sales? Surely we could each resolve to focus on one thing in 2020 that will move our businesses from where they are today, to where we want to be in 12 months’ time?
5 New Year's resolutions to implement in your business
1. Become digitally savvy - learn how to optimise and maximise social channels, understand platforms like Hubspot and Google Analytics, and consider Google Ads, display ads and other paid channels to increase your exposure.
2. Seek Professional Development - whether you’ve been in business one year or 30 years, you can always learn something new. CEOs and executives should be looking into masterminds, media training, industry conferences and one on one mentoring, and organising lunch n learns, webinars and external training events to help staff upskill and learn new ways to think or to do things.
3. Communicate more with your customers - whether it’s through blogging, EDMs or E-books, your customers and clients deserve to hear your insights, upcoming announcements and events and behind the scenes anecdotes first - live and loud! Commit to a robust content marketing program to build not just customers, but fans and loyalty.
4. Go for awards, tenders and grants - we’ve seen first-hand at Elevate what winning each of these can do for business, both through our own strategy and through submitting on behalf of our clients. Sign up to all the relevant tender procurement pages, and research awards and grants in your industry (and don’t forget to flag the dates!).
5. Think outside the box - 2020 is the start of a new decade. Kick it off with a bang by doing something you’ve not done before. Google ideas from international brands in your sector for inspiration or get a team brainstorm happening. The business world is cluttered. Make a splash!
At Elevate, we’re working on all 5 this coming year, but you might just want to focus on one or two, or even one per quarter. With award winning digital specialists, copywriters, publicists and content marketers at Elevate, we can help you kick start, execute and complete your New Year’s Resolutions goals in 2020. Contact us today.