Video has seen an explosion over recent years with many businesses, brands and influencers using video content to grow their engagement and awareness online. Like all content, there can be meaningful and meaningless content – but what is the best way to captivate your audiences and leave a lasting impression of your brand? We’ve compiled three questions we always ask ourselves when filming and editing footage for our clients.
1. Who are you target audiences?
Understanding who you are targeting and what type of audiences you want to engage with is essential for planning what type of visuals you want to create. For example, is your video specific for an industry and require industry-level lingo or is it an explanatory video for new customers? It is not ideal to use terminology they may not understand and can reduce your videos audience retention. Therefore, determine who your target stakeholders are helps you plan and develop the type of content you want to share.
2. What is the purpose of the video?
Re-focusing on what the purpose of your video is can help you hone in on what message you want to get across to your viewers. Are you trying to convince audiences to buy your product or are you encouraging them to sign up to a program? Redefining the overall goal of the video will help you create concepts that will convey your key message.
3. How do I engage viewers?
Depending on your audience, engaging viewers can span from incorporating infographics and graphics into your video to focusing on copy and subtitles to encourage more viewers. Everyone engages differently! But a good starting point for all video content is to keep your clips short, simple and punchy. The point of your video is to get your message across to your viewer, so if you are jamming a lot of content into the clip, the less the audience will remember your key message. It is important to leave a lasting impression in order for your viewer to convert (either to a sale, sign up, click or reaction), so think what would make you interested in the video and the business behind the video, and go from there!
If you’re looking for a strategic communications agency in Brisbane who can help with your digital marketing strategy, contact the Elevate team on 07 3180 3666 or via our website to find out how we can help engage your stakeholders.
Check out more tips on how to create engaging social media content here.