Artificial intelligence (AI) is the development of computer systems that can perform tasks normally required by human intelligence. AI has seen a rapid growth in the everyday lives of humans across the planet – from digital assistants like Siri and Alexa to ride sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft, to Google AI-powered predictions. However, AI still has a looming stigma over its head around employment and poses the question, ‘How much longer do we have at our current workplaces?’
As the world thrives on innovation and technology, it’s evident that AI has already integrated its way into our lives. AI has already revolutionised other industries such as events, healthcare and automobile, however we will start to see AI integrate itself more into the communications industry and benefit it in ways it has never been seen before.
AI has the ability to help professionals understand our clients and their customers better with manual tasks becoming automated. This type of technology and intelligence not only monitors media coverage, competitor analysis, and industry movements; but it also analyses our clients on a deeper level, which helps communication professionals form more strategic and insightful plans. AI can creatively identify target audiences, examine the client and their consumers and offer alternate insights that may be overlooked or unable to be identified without AI. By using AI and predictive analytics, we have a level of understanding where we can create content to key stakeholders, proactively prepare for crises, and personalise marketing to generate smarter, more intelligent strategies for our clients.
Automating time-consuming tasks
Manual, time-consuming and everyday tasks will be taken over by AI! Many platforms offer these day-to-day capabilities such as scheduling calendar invites, determining if emails need to be answered, reviewed or deleted based on facts and routinely ordering goods or services automatically. However, as AI evolves, we are already starting to see high-level platforms automating reporting, measuring data and evaluating statistics, allowing more time for professionals to focus on strategies and creating content. With video on the rise and many hours being spent editing and producing engaging footage, AI will soon start to edit real-time video, incorporating different shots, sound effects and music, which will be dictated by real-time user engagement and personal characteristics of the viewer.
More AI = More work = More jobs
AI can be interpreted as ‘computers or robots stealing our jobs’, however many reports have predicted that AI will generate jobs rather than destroy. AI has the opportunity to break the already established workflows in an organisation and create new jobs that integrate AI and automation. Many organisations are initiating training programs to re-skill employees with new abilities to deal with the impact of AI and offer solutions for how staff can leverage data to improve their business overall. With AI completing small but tedious tasks in ample time and in larger volumes, it creates additional opportunities for humans to harness this data and make it worthwhile for their customers.
If you’re interested in learning more about how AI may affect your industry or how we can incorporate it into a strategic plan for you, call the Elevate team on 07 3180 3666 to organise a meeting today.